Water content in water-based defoamers

Aug 28, 2024

In industrial production, stirring is inevitable, and in water systems, foam will inevitably appear as long as stirring is done, and foam will cause many problems. Therefore, to eliminate harmful foam, we will use water-based defoamers.


From the literal meaning, it is not difficult to understand that defoamers are used to eliminate foam. Traditional defoamers use oil as a carrier, such as mineral oil, animal and vegetable oils, etc. However, with the increase in oil prices in the 1970s, the cost of oil-based defoamers also increased accordingly, so R&D personnel began to study more economical water-based defoamers, that is, using water instead of traditional oil-based carriers. It does not mean that the defoamer contains water, which means it is a water-based defoamer. The specific classification depends on the water content.



According to the water content of defoamers, they can be divided into the following types:


① Oily: all oil is used as a carrier, that is, 100% oil content, no water;


② Water containing: with water, the water content is less than 50%;


③ Water-based: with water, the water content is greater than 50%;


④ Water-based, oil-free: all water is used as a carrier, that is, 100% water content, no oil;



Although water was used instead of oil as a carrier in the early days, the effect was not stable, and the technology at that time was not developed enough. It was just diluting the traditional oily defoamer. It seemed that the cost was reduced, but the amount of addition used was greatly increased, so the overall cost did not decrease. However, with the advancement of technology, the performance of water-based defoamers is becoming more and more superior, and the scope of application is becoming wider and wider. If you want to choose a suitable water-based defoamer for your system, please contact us at any time!




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